Wellness For Metalsmiths
Wellness for Metalsmiths
Long day at the bench? Struggling with neck and back pain or other discomfort. Here are 8 tips and tools that have helped me tune up!
It’s good to take breaks frequently to move your body around so you don’t grow stiff and achy as a result of long days at the bench. However, I know that is easier said than done when you get lost in your work, are feeling extra inspired or are working on a deadline. Sometimes you just need a reminder to move your body, so you don’t grow stiff and achy. Something that works for me is setting a little timer on my phone to get up and move, even if it’s just a little walk around the studio or bending over to touch my toes. I have chronic upper back and neck pain these are some of the tools and resources that I have found to be most beneficial.
I do want to preface this with a disclaimer -I am not a doctor and have no medical training! Please be advised to use these tips and tools at your own risk. You know what is best for you. I am just sharing what has helped me personally.
1) A Foam Roller & or a Peanut roller are great for instant relief in your neck and back. Albeit this is a temporary fix without proper stretching and strengthening of the muscles.
Foam Roller
2) If you’re experiencing hand pain or want to prevent it, Reset’s “Cats Paw” is a great option! Cats Paw restores a natural biomechanical balance to hands, wrists, and forearms that may have been lost due to constantly straining muscles in only the closing direction. Relieve or prevent repetitive strain injuries, overworked hands, or carpal tunnel with the Cats Paw by regularly exercising and strengthening the opening muscles of your hands and arms.
This method is doctor tested and approved.
3) A Shepard’s Hook is great for relieving your trigger points by yourself! For me I experience the most pain between my shoulder blades and in my neck. This tool is great for using on your neck and back.
4) A yoga swing may be a good option for you as well. I really wanted an inversion table, but they take up so much space and can be very pricey. I was so glad to find that I could get similar decompression by hanging upside down with a swing!
*I haven’t used one of these myself, but I suspect another good alternative to the yoga swing for decompression in the neck and spine would be a neck hammock or cervical neck traction device.
5) If you live in town --community yoga is a great option! If you don’t live in town or can’t make the time to slip away to a class, I highly recommend YouTube Yoga videos! I am a big fan of the channels “Yoga with Adriene” and “Yoga with Cassandra.” One of my favorite videos by Adriene is called “Yoga for Text Neck” so great for neck hygiene
6) An ergonomic chair. Only you can decide what works best for your body as we all have different preferences. However, I recommend investing in your comfort. Personally, I find a saddle stool most encouraging for good posture. Probably good to switch it up occasionally with a standard desk chair if you go this route as I will start to feel it in my hips if I try to work too long. Here is the one I use:
7) Going for a walk, run, swim, hike, skate or bike ride! Just go outside and play ;)
8) If and whenever you can —see a professional, be it a chiropractor, physical therapist, or masseuse! We have to change the oil and maintain our cars to keep them operating properly, same goes for our bodies. Invest the time and energy into the your health and wellness!
Happy Smithing!
Author: Tiffany Payne, Studio assistant at Ignite Jewelry Studios and metalsmith at Young Crone Jewelry.